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General & Cosmetic Dentistry
in Thomasville, Georgia

General and Cosmetic Dentistry in
Thomasville, Georgia

From Dr. Ridley
"The dental office is not often someone's favorite place to be, but my passion as a dentist is to give everyone the best experience possible and to ensure every patient receives quality care with a personal touch. I strive to be gentle with every procedure whether it is a root canal, an extraction, or a simple tooth exam. I also believe in continuous training to make sure your smile is what you envision. Whether you need a simple dental cleaning or cosmetic rehabilitation, our team is here to help you protect and create your beautiful smile!"
- Dr. Laura C. Ridley

Contact Us
Fax (229) 228-9606
410 Remington Ave
Thomasville, GA 31792
Mon/Thurs: 8:30 - 4:00
Friday by Appointment Only

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